There is a cemetery called "GROBLJE BRZOMELJ" on this map.

If you were to leave St. James, and go to the small circular park, you
would then take the road to the left. You pass a huge hotel, and then the
school on your left and you continue down this road for 1/2 mile.

Then you hit an intersection. There is an outside phone booth there on
the corner.  There is a small hotel with a bar attached to it.
You take a right rather than go straight. Now you are starting back in
the general direction of Podbrdo. You go for another 1/2 mile until you hit the road that
takes up straight up to Vicka's house, and eventually Blue Cross, Apparition Hill Sister
Elvira's etc.

But instead of taking a right and going up this main road, you instead
go just a few feet further, and there is a small road on your left. You take this road
and the cemetery "Groblje Brzomelj" is there.

Nedjo's grave is at the end of the first or second row, extreme right and it's a new black marble double one.