Prayers in Croatian |
These are prayers that are said in the Church of St. James,
or were dedicated to Jelena Vasilj to her prayer group from the Blessed
Mother. I'll be working on this page to be able to give you the
English and also the Croatian forms of these prayers so that anyone going
to Medjugorje can have a head start on them. To make sure that most
browsers can read these prayers, the special Croatian characters weren't
here to listen to the evening program and follow along
with the prayers.
Click to hear Znak Sv. Kriza - The sign of the Cross
U ime Oca, i Sina, i Duha Svetoga. Amen
Click to hear Oce Nas - Our Father
Oce Nas, koji jesi na Nebesima
Sveti se ime Tvoje, Dodji Kraljevstvo Tvoje, budi volja Tvoja.
Kako na nebu, tako i na zemlji.
Kruh nas svagdanji daj nam danas i otpusti nama duge nase
kako i mi otpustamo duznicima nasim, i ne uvedi nas u napast
nego izbavi nas od zla. Amen
Click to hear Zdravo Marijo - Hail Mary
Zdravo Marijo
Milosti Puna, Gospodin stobom.
Blagoslovljena ti medju Zenama i
Blagoslovljen plod utrobe tvoje Isus.
Sveta Marijo, Majko Bozja, moli za nas grijesnike,
sada i na cas smrti nase. Amen
Click to hear Slava Ocu - Glory Be
Slava Ocu, i Sinu, i Duhu Svetomu.
Kako bijase na pocetku,
tako i sada i vazda i u vijeke vjekova. Amen
Majci i Kraljici Mira
(To the Mother and Queen of Peace)
Dosli smo ti Majko Draga Sa svim strana ove zemlje
Donjesmo ti jade svoje
i u njima svoje zelje.
We come to you, dear Mother, From all parts of the world;
We bring to you our problems
And with them our desires.
Pogledaj nas utjesi nas Svoje ruke stavi na nas
Svome Sinu preporuci.
Majko mira moli za nas
Look upon us, console us, Lay your hands upon us;
Recommend us to your Son
Mother of peace, pray for us.
Nearer My God to Thee
Blize, o Boze Moj K velicju tvom
Budi ti stjeg i Vijek
Zivljenju Mom
Nearer my God to Thee Nearer to thee
May you my shield e'er be
All thro' my life
Vodi kud hoces nas Vodi kud hoces nas
Blize, o Boze moj
K velicju tvom
Guide us where'er you will Guide us where'er you will
Nearer my God to Thee
Draw me to Thee
Queen of the Holy Rosary
Kraljice svete Krunice,
beskrajne srece more!
Tebi se puci klanjaju,
Andeli Tebi dvore.Queen of the Holy Rosary
My infinite happiness
All people adore you
And angels attend youPripjev:after every verse
Kraljice Krunice, moli za nas Kraljice Krunice, budi nam spas!Chorus:after every verse
Queen of the Rosary, pray for us Queen of the Rosary, be our salvationDivno si cudo stvorila,
Krunicu kad si dala,
Nebo i zemlja pjevaju:
Bila ti cast i hvala.You made a beautiful miracle
When you gave us the rosary
Heaven and Earth sing to you
They give you honour and thanksZrncima svete Krunice,
Cvatu nam bijele ruže.
Nose ih k tvome prijestolju
Andeli što Te kruže.With beads of the Holay Rosary
The white roses are blossoming for us
Angles who surround you
Carry them to your throneRuže te divno mirišu,
Radost su vjecnog Raja.
Svaka ta ruža cudesna
Nebo sa zemljom spaja.These roses smell beautiful
They are joy of eternal Heaven
Each wonderful rose
unites Heaven and EarthDrhcu na svakoj ruži
Suze nam crnih dana
Neka Te, Majko, sjecaju
Krvavih naših rana.On each rose
tears of our saddest days are shivering
Let them, o mother,
remember them on our wounded heartsKriževe teške nosimo,
Okovi sve nas tište.
Svi smo mi sužnji nevoljni,
Svaki Te pomoc ište.The heavy crosses we carry
Are like chains burdening us
We are all slaves of bondage
And we all ask for your helpTko ce nam, Majko, pomoci,
Ako ne Ti s visina?
Kraljice svega svemira,
Kraljuješ Srcem Sina.Who will help us, o mother
If not you from the Highest
Queen of the universe
Ruling with the heart of your sonPosljednji kad nam smraci vid,
Prekrije smrti tama,
Majcice, dodi, moli daj
Krunicu zadnju s nama!When the last days come for us
When we are covered with the darkness of death
O heavenly mother
Come and pray with us our last rosary
Prayer of consecration to the Most Sacred
Heart of jesus
O Jesus,
we know that you are gentle,
and that you have given your heart
for all of us.
It was crowned with thorns
and with our sins.
Oh, we know that nowadays you beg us
not to be lost.
remember us when we sin.
Through your most holy heart
give us grace to love each other.
Let hatred disappear from the people.
Show your love.
We all love you,
and wish you to protect us
with your shepherd's heart
from every sin.
Come into every heart, O Jesus,
knock, knock on our hearts.
Be patient and untiring.
We are still closed because
we have not yet understood your will.
Knock perseveringly.
O good Jesus, Make us open
our hearts to you,
at least when we remember
your passion endured for us. Amen
Prayer of consecration to the Immaculate
Heart of Mary
O most pure heart of Mary,
full of goodness, show your love
towards us.
Let the flame of your heart, O Mary,
descend on all people.
love you immensely.
Impress on our hearts true love
so that we long for
O Mary, gentle and humble of heart,
remember us when we sin.
know that all people sin.
grant, that through your most pure.
and motherly
we may be healed from
every spiritual sickness.
Grant that we may always experience
the goodness of
your motherly heart,
and that through the flame of your heart,
we may be
converted. Amen
The Jesus Rosary
As Gospa taught Jelena
This Rosary you can find in Medjugorje and it has the crucifix, followed by one
bead, then it breaks up into the
regular circular formation. There are seven (7)
sets of beads, each
containing five (5) beads.
Pray the Creed
1. Mystery:
Contemplate the birth of
(speak about the birth of Jesus)
Intention: pray for peace.
5 Our
Exclamation: O Jesus, be strength and protection for us.
2. Mystery:
Contemplate - Jesus helped and gave all to the poor
Let us pray for the Holy Father and for the Bishops
5 Our Fathers
3. Mystery:
Contemplate - Jesus trusted in his Father
completely and carried out his will
Intention: pray for priests and for
all those who serve God in a particular way
5 Our
4. Mystery:
Contemplate - Jesus knew he had to
give up his life for us and he did so without regrets because he loved
Intention: pray for families.
5 Our Fathers
5. Mystery:
Contemplate - Jesus made his life into a sacrifice for
Intention: Pray so that we, too, may be capable of offering our life
for our neighbor.
5 Our Fathers
6. Mystery:
Contemplate - the victory of Jesus over Satan. He is
Intention: let us pray that all sins may be eliminated so that Jesus
may relive in our hearts.
5 Our Fathers
7. Mystery:
contemplate - The ascension of Jesus into Heaven
Intention: let us
pray that the will of God may triumph, so that his will may be done
5 Our
After this, contemplate how Jesus sent us the Holy
Intention: pray so that the Holy Spirit may descend upon us.
Glory Be's
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